Nocode functions 🔎
The policy is simple: the data you upload is never stored, shared or reused. In practice, it is sent securely from this website with SSL (https) 🔒 to a secure server. There, it is immmediately analyzed. Then, it is destroyed when your session ends, which is when you close the web page.
Link to this data policy written in legal terms
The algorithm for sentiment analysis has been ranked the best among 24 solutions. When using this function, please cite this reference: Levallois, Clement. “Umigon: Sentiment analysis on Tweets based on terms lists and heuristics”.Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation(SemEval), 2013, Atlanta, Georgia.
95% of this app is free, requires no login nor credit card and has no limit on usage. In 2025, I plan to introduce a paying "pro plan" for some features that are computationally intensive or that make use of generative AI. See why.
Bug reports, improvements, suggestions... can be sent to, or contact me on Twitter!